Merethe Kuhmunen

Doaimmaheaddji ja duojár

Merethe Kuhmunen lea eret Suijaváris Gárasavvona lahkosiin Ruoŧabeal Sámis. Merethe lea doaimmaheaddji ja skuvlejuvvon duojár. Merethe hástála árbevirolaš duoji norpmaid ja lea movttet ovdánahttit duoji eanet inklusiivan.

Govva: Carl-Johan Utsi

Merethe Kuhmunen, a white-skinned person with pink short hair stands in front of a gray brick wall smiling and looking to the right side of the camera. Framed from the waist up, Kuhmunen is wearing black and brown frame glasses, a red patterned headwear, and a light pink furry coat.